Hi, I'm Yevgenia Rem

I'm a front-end software engineer.

About Me

Hello! I'm Yevgenia, but everyone calls me Jane.

I'm an improvement-motivated software engineer who's always finding ways to better myself both as a dev and as a person.

To the right I've listed a few things that, outside the world of tech, get me the most excited.

My Resume

I absolutely love...
books like 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson
TED talks like Unmask Your Potential
personality tests like CliftonStrengths
inspirational movies like The Imitation Game
I've been a bookworm since childhood.
Current book I'm reading: Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett
All-time favorite: Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson
I grew up playing A Link to the Past over and over again, and I'm saving Breath of the Wild for a special day. Nowadays, you can find me at Bob's tavern, optimizing my Hearthstone deck.
Board Games
There's some seriously good board games being released these days. Some of my favorites include Wingspan, Terraforming Mars, and Decrypto.

Things I'm Proud Of

I started in an unlikely place. After immigrating to the US, my family struggled financially, and we were even homeless for a bit. Through it all, my parents worked incredibly hard to support my sister and me, and from them I learned the value of wholly dedicating myself to what I value.

As a kid, I loved school and devoted myself to my studies. At 13, I won a full scholarship to attend Polytechnic School, one of the top private schools in CA, where I graduated summa cum laude.

Later, I won a full scholarship to go to an SAT prep program, where in the span of a summer I raised my score from 2010 to 2370 out of 2400.

Then, with the help of the Abu-Haidar Family Scholarship, I got a nearly full ride to Dartmouth College. In that moment, I started to realize how far trying my best could take me. So in college, I decided to go all in.

In my classes, I tried my absolute best. I not only maintained a 4.0 GPA, but five professors took notice of my dedication and wrote personal citations for me in my transcript, which happens when a professor is so impressed with a student that a grade doesn't seem to adequately express the student's contribution to the class.

One professor even nominated me for the Edson Memorial Prize, which I later won. I was also awarded the Sophomore Prize, which is given to the top student or students in a class of 1,200+, inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, and became a Rufus Choate Scholar.

After college, I decided I wanted to become a software engineer. I dove into self study, and within a year at my first job, I completed multiple projects for the biggest dance company in North America, one of which I built from the ground up.

My Skills


JavaScript (ES5 & ES6+)





Libraries & Frameworks



Bootstrap 3 & 4



Framer Motion

React Testing Library


Tools & Methodologies


Chrome DevTools

Amazon Web Services







Below are some of the projects I've built recently.

A modern, fully responsive credit card form with microinteractions like automatic card-type detection, number formatting, and interactive animations.

JavaScript (ES6), React.js, Redux, HTML5 & CSS3, Sass (BEM), Bootstrap, Framer Motion, Cleave, Moment.js, Axios, Netlify

An app designed to help judges critique and score routines in dance competitions hosted across the U.S. by Break the Floor Productions.

JavaScript (ES6), React.js, React Hook Form, Redux, HTML5 & CSS3, Sass (BEM), Bootstrap, Moment.js, Axios, Netlify

Get In Touch

Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'd love to hear from you!

Click below to shoot me an email.

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